Principi della Religione Pagana
The Pagan Religion is the Religion of s/he who lives in the storms of life.
In Polytheistic Pagan religion, the ritual aims to renew, in a collective way, the relation between the subject and the world in which it lives. The subject that organizes the ritual considers him/herself an actor in life, merged in a whole of actors, that s/he calls GODS, who are bearers of interests and aims in which, and for which, the subject itself has changed.
On this page the eight movie titles:
Zeus generator of the life; father and son of every living of the Nature; Zeus principle and companion of every travel towards the eternity.
Proteus: caress our aims, you who know the things that are; caress our aims you who know the things that were; caress our aims and see us to the things that will be.
On the Pagan altar of the Sacred Wood in Jesolo-Venice Autumn 2008. Hera Mother Nature called to attend the Sacred Rite.
In the Hymn the individual recognizes the magical triplicity of life: him/herself as an actor; the world of actors in which s/he acts; the action as an actor who calls to the relations.
Speech delivered by the Federazione Pagana at WCER - ATHENS 04th - 06th JUNE 2004 7TH WORLD CONGRESS OF ETHNIC RELIGIONS
In Polytheistic Pagan religion, the ritual aims to renew, in a collective way, the relation between the subject and the world in which it lives. The subject that organizes the ritual considers him/herself an actor in life, merged in a whole of actors, that s/he calls GODS, who are bearers of interests and aims in which, and for which, the subject itself has changed. And so it is modified, changed in a modern hymn functional to the Federazione Pagana's rites: Ecate; the cosmos the life as light in the infinite.
The Pagan initiation of the fire baptism
In the Pagan Polytheistic Religion's Sacred Wood in Jesolo - Venice, humans and gods perform their rites. The Gods pay homage to Nike.
The general idea of the Pagan Religion is continuous transformation
Moving among the principles of the Pagan Religion
Vai agli argomenti del sito Religione Pagana
Claudio Simeoni
Apprendista Stregone
Guardiano dell'Anticristo
Membro fondatore
della Federazione Pagana
Piaz.le Parmesan, 8
30175 Marghera - Venezia
Tel. 3277862784
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